Federal Programs Staff

Cynthia W. Gray, Director of Federal Programs

  • Mathews Elementary School, (804)725-2580

Taren P. Thomas, Homeless and Foster Care Liaison

  • Thomas Hunter Middle School, (804)725-2434

Jennifer L. Hyde, EL Teacher

  • Thomas Hunter Middle School, (804)725-2434

Erica K. DeForge, Federal Programs Administrative Assistant

  • Special Education Office, (804)725-3499
Mathews County Public Schools Federal Programs Advisory Committee (FPAC)

The Mathews County Public Schools Federal Programs Advisory Committee includes parents, teachers, administrators, and community members. The goal of the committee is to provide feedback regarding programming and decisions as stated in federal and state guidelines in regards to Title I, Title II, Title III, and Title IV.

The committee will meet regularly in the MHS Library Media Center at 3:15 PM. Meetings are open to the public to allow stakeholders to engage in meaningful communications. Dates for 2024-2025 are:

November 7

February 25

April 15

Our focus includes: 

  • improving student achievement through fair, equitable, and high-quality education and closing achievement gaps (Title I); 

  • improving the quality and effectiveness of educators (Title II);

  • improving the education of English Language Learners (Title III);  and

  • strengthening the comprehensive needs of students, improving family engagement and bringing schools into the 21st century (Title IV).

Please contact Cindy Gray for more information.